Ledger-Enquirer from Columbus, Georgia (2024)

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Columbus, Georgia

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EIGHT 7 Ksuem Columbus Lost a Lot of Busi Vkdinee and Night I I 1 i I i $4' I 1 I i 44 4 T4 444" V44 on Ike bowels cleanses ticL of the Bridge ti Last Call for Canned Goods at Reduced Prices Mt'vh 5 los' it California pc Syrup (p can time it itm bsng JVU 'dm druish 50 per belt Io the torture viuU tuik t' Ila'' ACCEPTED A BRISE i mpu sx naulv th doz 30c doz can fts the Tazzac 12c 51W doz 20c can 16c: $180 doz 20c can Hl XTRKVaganc i ei 10c $110 A A Corn doz il AS I sUauon cn rar io seo me co*cker bake bis a ine Preserves and Jams UV fmj 4 pct nt interest ui)Hiinde Semi Annually LOUIS KPEIDLER Georgia Grocery Co Masonic Temple ekssssesi 38aMIUUr a iii wai ji'jaowfcMi EDWARDS jjabilitie Surpius Mod pnni's not Ei paid Dhidcrd Ltlbiii 11 I Total 11715115 G2 Total KJRSWI mirOsITAKY BUS PSHLIPS HARDWARE CO Spring and Summer Suitings Columbus Ga Phones 153 or 443 I Spring Goods Now In Place your order now for that 1 have for gentlemen's wear Corrugated ii Lafkowitz Brothers KB SHADY BROOK 4 Bikini) Reid Waller Company It ight and ten feet if Ml tlvani id Distributors of Bud i WILLIAM BEACH HARDWARE CO COLUMBUS Phone 187 Box 6 S3 4 TA 3 LETS STORE IIP little ire ilum bird hat lib will ronthmn unt! ferti'tincn yin JI VO ho of 3pc Tumblers Old Va Cu tam and 1 i ii rt i 4 full nnnr A jars Gorosce Ptire 'rttit Jams ronndat jars Sunb am and Royal Searle? Janis IJ'c pure G'inca Jelly PHILIP HASKELL The place where prices fit the pocket book I A STRONG PLAY! STRONG qiutrubiiAKr lillM ltC 20c $230 25c $275 th he ou'y u4 Co umbos fl to and thv" Batavia Pea (1 1 2 lb can) Batavia Peas (2 lb can) Red Line Ap Tip Sweet Garden Pea Ponds "jmi aluc" Cnsh on I land and Sight 1 Ev han go 1 'iCTneil Intel evt The United States The State of Georgia The County of Muscogee The City of Columbus ixii is put? arc snup fn tiiur nts hrcniKtu out jtn tu 'f in tune and mere a 'uyilty it' rnnr rtnrv fn Our stoek of Spring Gooilh ticlndes alt of the latest colors and exekisivo line of fancy fabrics largest Imo we have e'r shown Out of ovn tnqnfrie reie've prompt attention CKOWJIJ I I rcnMircr gssde ware with every nrder for Majesties during demon I tT4 'Hk t' tn A Pianos Organs Sewing Machines Sheet 'vtusic and Bool Needles Oil? and Attachments Piano Tun Htg Price 5c can BOND ISSUE fEANS MUCH Out of Town People Wtii See Madam Butterfly at Tonight When Christopher Columbus Uncovered America' he ihoipht was a luckv man will ii'so think youisclf lucky when you Jhcover what an excellent line of Vt iml Vi it hu tll Ima use tell it thhi tl at pt the at ir: rath'r than up and it thm ii'M'lj it and 'f'M 1 1 i hi zrfp Your leconnt Invited President IV BItAPLEV Wholesale Whiskies Wit Capital Stock COIBS CAI si ifEADlCHK LAXATIVE BROMO Qu ninn th world wide Col) td Grip retrod removes cause Call fo: tall nam iaok for signature CilOVE 25 I i nil ifl PAUL Economy loots like an up hill game ihcn you first Ixtriu and sometimes it I an iqi hill grime im it is the JlOAii Tf PROSPJIII 111' and if yon can serve in your small you III find this put Your ertrnragnnee does draw interest some day you will pay interest on your present extravagance It yon put thnt money in the PA s' ilV you an some day afford to buy the luxuries yu crate without mi" the money JO YOUll banking willi VS iw Cftmbi 3uir Ct tor I tips i vt fouid bibiQ i a id iJjio of i Jln in inxllin niUi Xbe te UH run: u' li'd hs ij on from inoie is no estii bld 'I ml io rim os one Lie to se it jevrr grab ix tz line Reeds Stock and Dies Pipe rs Will you to before uni assists one in overcoming kabrlual conslipalion li i the is I to finis' Melhvm Haruwar Co are 4 serving hoi coffee and biscuit It ven hive util ihade yom selections better come in 'phone us your order mdny ns this is an oppor tunity rannnt come nyain ior a year Many of the lob are entirety sold out but theie blili jemnnb a sutbeienf variety to afford gnd sck'diun mention of a few of the AELRED Wholesale Liquor Dealer The' Old Dr Morgan Drug Store Stand GARNT Manager Phone 2045 GIRARD ALA Roofing rm: leaihxc Tiitnib 1t2! Broad street in Pull Uei stt 'ix ls a cm' It ml I11t xvt iutt stlim It i a Io at I em xx it I 's 1 dPiVX by li Sl kti xx I i I if ''at next attract ioa coau 's Bndit I xs hen rue Abora' KtiHliah Grand opcta 1 compatn will 'sine that beautuf am? I'hTJ in: I 35e Jarg Libby's fine nr preserves 20e Jars Tlehix 12c preserve eonrn in tmlnv and Kt m' Hs in ildi Arrow rCotch COLLAR K4uaief te at take off red to Your Patronage Solicited 1230L2 BROAD STREET COLUMBUS GA 974 40c Jar BatavU pine Qq 'fruL preserves OUC 4Uc Jar Old Va home QAc made preserves VC STATEMENT THC CONDITION THE Bolumbus Savings Hank OREIGN INVESTORS i riwnn nr rr' cntiTif AVQR THE SOU I ability (f American wur? i the HoutlCx freedom frojti created a iuhi avmaih kip Mr Cha Berdell Jr of Berdeli Uta in auditmu to tne ml an irtia i 1 ci i 4 tr 1 34 Pine St ho ha Juat re t5 vo a'b' turned from a short trip to Paris and tdiicm Ih mm ir London mates that Im was ext etnely western ue 4) gratified by he iaily x(r 'dr favorably opinion of fureln hankers as to the futures in vestiiu nts in tio' southern potion of the United Stares 4 The wave wf political aKitation i has wept over portion of onr country weiser Magnolia and Impel ial Pilsener bottled beers and Chedtnnoosa draught beer fiir euis age I Hi nrx W'ira a III augnirmci tire rmmifth'ff Mas Vfiv him ip fnhiht to In (Ifjisilx 1 rot I 4 H'ilv lx ftfc i ii U1 I 4 1 1 i 1 i 1 1 JP C' 'J'1 1 1 1 I Premued at die Springer vp orrWM Ttt Oijra House Wednesday 1 A 'Js1zjLi 'sAyPI Litfc "in idauiim nr cr nnut With Mooiii English Grand Opera Company At the We Save You Money Try These Brands OUR ap cmii i i nettmc wh) "I HR lU te bhcl i th" iy ui'i mi of unotn iniiei i se rnilshr i rt'ijiit to: txk'r part in the da to dis pltly all the taunt mij pot es be chirti i nthi 1 ate tbir i tim su ri'lmr uii vt pls: tor i i sK part in it I1 iu Hil 1 1 to a Cclumbus audience two or ilinm ixins ago by an excepitontlly winmc and cltrer company Thul ompm? i hrxv the great power of tl The company present lug in idi at the springer "opera hc vsm lay matinee and nigbl nut nltogetber a rlever as mlghi ber'n At lime? there were m'tnifetetations of nhility tu wvr? rw as prmiouriced as mi a pla mS for its most suerc ntslh xr Atl Lr 4MJ V'V I ctyce wyn init tbe perforuiai rtc I RESOURCES I jlcan mid Diotounf" 5501 7 70001 cuits In three minutes MANY GOMlliG TO THE OPERA i rile not was hne i the huge nu Many nt rhe of tbit 1 si Si'i inzor fmiighi' win Pn srs'it 'sitioii "Madam Jiutti rf! nil! I bang I T'bme ale lantH oni on Mbps nil' op oim night one Urn night siitd utbc? i rn the ru'xr nluht 1 1i nil ft i A bi that imiigi when ibe xll iVAwUlra I ci npany rms to I the hhiRlng of Vadrlni Hut WKManNMiMaM "hhli i ponniar anions' AU Deposit With Third National Bank OrnuMlu Transfer Comt Broad and Twelfth Hrrt iftfho iht nontax 7 THE COLUMBUS ENQUIRER SUN THURSDAY MORNING MARCH 14 1912 nrinhj of lm i ch atia 1 1 eompnnt luih? ButieiHv am hire about i rltb wlftli lu hrnl 'hca tiir in rm them tmil ht irigiiidi li'jiul Conipunx to Colmnbiis more than a cn "as smiL and I (limn wr ili jightc't limmln i a ol AJuMm i the tact if lhe tdb a hr MXjii th rn: whEh il be the atua Uuti at tn SprlmtCr fijii cht have been very hr imiica'tr s' knv 4 that tr gi A i ruftm rd atil' lKc' to I Cr era t'tvn 4 up I1 i rjax aftei noon t'e ihat in addhlnn to the many Cr I jti id T' ftd hi ir si rd I I 41 1 ir tsl i IB nt i'ji'ty iHni' eimic rt the 1 fit UThMi un the tine I 1 IS rd i i lhai jn iniist 1 pn'i in njkin 1 aritur lik Lint st llllid Hie! t'K Im rnluy i beneficial effccisby Jf exce in uie uuHis ut Uh 1 amt rare run tlu rhe a TilC 'X bit urathiu ve ui scnn'l' tir ltu I 1 wltai iic! tan cone num puchj a portravul HH tiibt tf 't nisr lniitlrm wtmctliine alter Hit infni 01 mat or a mr a than Eot i HOME SAVINGS BANK (IJeor'xia Ifome Bnilriing) UJ t' 1 ti fT a ititWiiw iiw 7 rw rljgTnMni 7 iril'ril'PiniiiM hinff I 11 ihiii 1 4 jaKSr1 4 TKWtHfsSr tt 1 I KM st 1 i i ft 4 1 J'' i AoVv'v' 7C nW Sy zy 4 TT Ttf strifl 9: Nr lijli! Mlf 1 jWfcrirli Will iwr Uil OHHIWI ccnd loiiihi tJ tr 4 4 4 "'Sr 7 I I iAbWW' V'i silY Wl £1 1 ly 5 iM 't tr jy i 7 exrA 2(HktAOH Hl OU I 7 I 1 12 1 1 I 71 IWMJ4IIW1 MlWiOW I 1 1 ower Bridge Girard Ala (ol uni bys Ga I 4 1 iTiMiii ti ii if I ft 'I I no to IIUK Hi rt I Wh Eui IS HOT hit vrP nau io erd ut'r ut rifwt Sax Io oup Ion Li 1 I I Hl 4 ti bvJilXv 2 1 IS 1 tn 1 1 1 irt ti phHivilt dax Vi vCJff vl It lA til) I 1 avi v'J Cnj Ifh it aueence or the bn iii I ths of a kt or freni that iart CUlh" 1 1 ro: "lea ivulr 0 ss I sr zx Cvtcs Inxiicestioi rtyyjiejw ASK XT A vr a' 'J 7 I I I I i 5 5 fe jrrii iHidjinO Ziz sw SS nt iiiAii i IB Jc 42 21 riifht fqirltre3f 1 I Bn ih I lu re jR rt esreiBhi: mian iim kt I' cP! wii (ire! t''e ynu uhra 'M urc Bg rfti at a lo SB fjs ti hn t' i Hi ii Aw u' I lAsoy 5 1 lit Ithi i aal3glBUakaalaE fe I RS 7W sfe sat I ft: I I 1 We ciiny i i Cutie l4 I I 1 I 1" Erosi 5 I i r7 4 hti'ldint'S ut kinds in fix b' nr r' zed roofmc nuns and Js washers Ui use under nail head1 lor eventing leaks 1 SaSESSiy 7 Lu I XiX fgflGS ffcdually the sysic JU I tud to rf IX 3 rt 4 8 Sb vx 1 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 X' LAJ A sXXjx tl 4f' lb A 1 VIs yVK' I Mb I il ill jpshs Jfi 1 1 'wwl! i v'jid mH 7 I I W'7fw few 11rn1 MW rrnr Ray Corn tic Wc $110 doz Bata la Lima Beane 4 20c can 16c $190 doz Batavia Lima Beansfl lb) 15c can 11c $130 dor Red Line Lima Beans 20c can 12e $140 dcz Red Line String Bean 20c can 12c $140 doz Blue Label Squash 20c can 10c: $115 doz Royal Scar et Pumpkin 20c can 13c: $150 doz Batavia Peaches iOc can 32c: $375 dot Brownie Peache 35c can 25c $280 dor White Top Peaches 25c can 20c $225 dcz Red Rock Apricots 25c can 20c $225 doz Qecrgia Pack Blackberries 15c can 10c $115 doz Batavia Crabapple 35c can 15c $175' doz 21c i 18c i 21e I 22c "53 rf.

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Ledger-Enquirer from Columbus, Georgia (2024)


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Author: Kelle Weber

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Views: 6131

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (53 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.