The Daily Review from Decatur, Illinois (2024)

jf 0 jf HE DECATUK November 81, ItlO; WANT AD FATES. TKRMB than tor roia CHAR01B irfls to A 00 OR leve WANTRD-POeiTION; FKWI 'CUSS ALL around sober and reliable: bett of hotel or G. W. Valentine. William.

Old phone 116B. WANTBD-BT MAH WITH 9 XBAKB- EX- In grocery builsesa, position as clerk. Address K-586, can. Heview. HELP WAKTED CUR 1.

TO STBM TO- baooo. Pahm-oyer Cigar raotory. 228. N. 11 ONCB, CHICKEN PKKBRB.

piece or by the week. J. C. Baierllne. Sullivan, UL Wanted Men and women to solicit Oood worker can make $1 per hour.

Work can be at odd and during Great opportunity to make come extra Xmas money. Sjply Frank Huffman. 819 N. Water. 1408 Wanted--Agents Orocerlea, coifees, teas, flav.

eta With or without Bremlumk "Write for caUUpg. BUBHWAY EXTRACT Decatur. 111. mxr.v WANTED--MALE WAJJTE---YOUNG MAN ABOUT 18 XEARS old for general work. 5 and JOc Mere.

P. W. Woolworth Co. WANTED--AMBITIOUS YOUNG MEN TO become traveling salesmen; experience unnecessary: write Tor Bradstreet System, Rochester, N. T.

"WANTED--RELIABLE i OR MOTOR- mm and conduct on; In thli vicinity. to 190 monthly; experience not rwulrea; no etrike. Addrese Electric Dept 62? E. St. Louis.

1559 HOICB IB8OORI FARMS; THE KIND (bat made old Missouri famous, to ttO jer acre. Most of our farms are well 1m- roved. thus making a borne yoa can step ght into and begin making money from he start Write far our descriptive list and ite map of Missouri. Davlsqa Realty Com- I have some of (he best bargains In black In the state, come up, I'll show them you, 400 level, blak, tiledTtWo sets ot 1m- rovementa, Christian Co $150.00 100 black, near Clarksdale 1150.00 80 level. 11 tiled, 8, miles Taylorvllle 1165.00 fine black, near Macon $186.00 80, 3 ot Stonlngton 1150.00 110, 2 miles from $140.00 100 fine black, near Bement (225.00 200, 8 from Lanesvllle $190.00 Ot'A near, Macon, extra fine $200,00160 fine.

Improved, black, near in- erurban, Sangamon Co $200.00 120 fine and grain farm, Montgomery Co 75.00 240 black, miles from Edlnburg 120 00 180 flircry fine, black, excellent 1m- rovements. near Flndlay .....9177.50 200 black, well tiled, near Assump- on i J140.00 160 fine black farm. Montgomery ounty Over 50 others at reasonable prices. Come to see me before buying. Can match most any kind of a trade.

Residence property in all parts of the city. If you can't come to see me now call up write and come later, but get here and get one of these Scott Realty Loan Co. Auto 1577. 817 Mllllkln Bldg. 1552 'ANTED--MEN AGE 18 10 85 FOB F1RE- men (100 monthly and brakemen ISO, on In Oecatur vicinity; experience unnecessary; no strike.

Promotion to cOTduSSrs.Railroad employing headquarters-over 000 men to monthly Staw age, Mamp. Railway Assocatlon, Dept SMS. 327 Monroe St. Brooklyn N. WANTED--FEMALE My Biggest Bargain For Sale--400 acres gool level black land, Christian Co 2 good teta of miles to 1 market; owner lives In east For abort time at $150.

Scott Realty Loan Co. Auto 1577. 817 MUllkin Bldg. 1535 WANTED-A WOMAN TO HELP IN RES- taurant work. Mi Automatic 1W8; Mrs.

De 2221. Day. 188 W. Main. 1B84 WANTBD-TBN GIRLS" FOR BXAMINBRS on and Heber Mfg.

Co. Call at 'WANTBurA OOOD QIR1. FOR QENBRAL houiework. 819 W. Prairie.

1581 WAITED-- G1R1. FOR GHNBRAL, HODSB- 838 N. Franklin. 1861 WANTED--AN EXPERIENCED GIRL. FOR In family.

Apply 778 W. Deoatur. '558 COREEBPONDENCE SCHOOLS WANTBD--MBN TO MARK BARBER tradeT few time by practice, careful instructors and given, diplomas granted. Splendid demand for ateiT Write today. Moler Barber Col- Chlcag 111.

BOAEDEES WANTED WANTBD--TABM BOARDERS. have room for rent. Prairie. Old phone 186T. ALSO 458 W.

1471 WAJtJTBD-BOARDERS gentlemen AND ROOMERS, nroe 778 WANTED TO BIT? Wanted-- To Buy An 8 room house In the N. W. part on $200 down. A 6 room house on TOj-m- payments, within 8 blocks at depot; down A good 5 room cottage, north or northwest, for oaeh not over $2.800 and not over 12 blocks from the court house. W.

P. Montgomery 158 B. Main St. 1587 WANTED--TO BUY 500 BUSHELS OF rood yellow ear corn, to be delivered to ou? plant. 400 Cerro dortto withini SC Standard Oil Co.

1S47 WAN1ED--TO UY FOR CASB. PBOPBR- ty on Union or Church between Green and What hav, you? K-60S. Review. WANTED TO BENT WANTBD--TO RENT A FARM, MEDIUM else, near Decatur: give terms and location. Bd Clinton, fll.

1405 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS WANTED--TO BUILD STORE ROOM TO Clt tenant on lot 000 block N. Jasper south or railroad, will give long lease. Address care Review. WASHINGS TO DO AT my borne Addreas K-619, cue Review. WANTBD-ANY ONB WHO WANTS TO see Dr Benx sail at 248 B.

Leaf- land Ave. James Johnaon. 8878 WANTED- YOUR ABSTRACT WORK examination of recordn. Work promptl at II per cent Itomoli All work naranteed. BURT8CH aTMi(h St.

BUSINESS OPFOBTUNITIES $1.000 FOR MT EQUITY IN AWBIA IX) cated and rented oottafe. Over Investment. K-822, care Review. FOB SALB--AT CANTON, THE BBS! music business in Cet tral Illinois. For twelve I have conducted one of th most successful music stores in III Inola Have sold from four to eight pianos per month.

Have sold more sheet music small than any other dealer ever la Canton Have a but well lected stock of Jewelry in connection wit! the music buslneo. On account of ill health am retiring from business and going away a valuable opportunity for the rich man. Address C. A. Canton, 111 151 FOR BAUD OR TRAPS--BLACKSMITH stock, cheap rent, beat location la Pegram Co.


jfimtLBY. RATVTLLB. MO. 1890 PABJt SALS-- 120 ACRES NEAR MACON; evel, block land, well tiled, good improvenents: in considered one, of the beet arme In Macon Co. Will be Mid worth the part it oeatwd mt J.

Smith, Macon. 111. 15T9 FOR BALA--HOCSBE-AND WJTB IN ALL part, of lie city. FOR SALE--FINB UOt; 1700 BLOCK. N.

Inquire owner. 2008 North Moarse Bt. Lowber. To Salaried People ISO down; $2 per week fine erro Oordo or Bldorado with Interest at Scott Realty Loan Co. 17 Mllllkln Bldg.

Auto phone 1577. 1528 Look Over Oak'dale letore buying for your home. Large Iota, II conveniences, itlght prices, easy terms, reaf estate agent. 1451 Elm Park Only one 8 and one 5 acre tract left In this eantlful addition, very cheap to close out. W.

C. Dodds Co. 328 Title Trust. Auto 1879. 11778 FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE--MY equity.

In 640 acres of finest land In famous 'anhandle of Texas, tor residence or small Owner, 813 Laffleld Plaoe, Evans- 1468 FOR SALS OR EXCHANGE LARGE stock of grain farm; will take a good clean tock of merchandir up to $12.000 as prt pa: lent. Write Box JOfl, Shlpn-an. HI. 14! FOR WELL LOCATED IM- proved 160-acre black land farm, mile own, 4 mile oo, seat; a snap for quick sale 176. Surrus ft Mabry, Vandalla.

111. FARM FOR SALE-- SNAP-- ISS 1 ACRfiS RICH black corn land In Wapello county, Iowa, at 90 0 per acre. Land adjoining recently sold per acre, and this would bring as mych were lt not for the fact that one forty tally overflows. Some tiling, but pur- inch gcaiion bu thoro chaser should be prepared to tile thoroughly. Buildings fair.

Owner non-resident. Terms: 18,000 balance 5ft per cent. Address A. Corey, Hlteman, Iowa. 1498 NO.

MISSOURI FARM FOR SALS--280 acrai 2 miles from a good railroad town; close to school, R. F. D. at the door. This a iplendld farm for either corn or grass and has never been plowed much; no worn and, buildings all new: plenty of outbuild- ngs, orchard for family use just beginning bear; 120 fenced hog tight with woven wire and crossed Into six pastures, ots and feed yfrd fenced new with boards and woven Wire, gate and corner posts set in cement; never-falling water, well arranged at feed yard; 10 of timber; splendid opening for registered cattle, hogs or sheep; arm has plenty of to care or them.

Photos showing the buildings will ie sent on. application. For further par- iculan and price addreas 8. H. KBSTERSON.

Owner, Box 78, Princeton, Mo. 1460 Illinois Farms For Sale 188 acres, prairie, Macon Co. 78 Macon Co 161 180 acres, flue farm, Shelby Co. 185 80 acres. Christian Co.

151 180 Christian Co. 171 120 acres. Christian Co. 180 Alex. Eckel 410 Mllllkln Bldg.

ISM IRVINO M. CLARK SELLS ILLINOIS fa-ins. Illustrated catalogue free. Address Brighton. Ill 1882 FOR SALB--800 ACRES GOOD FARMING land.

8 miles from railroad station; 75 In cultivation, balance limbered, plenty of good water. fine for corn, cotton or rloeT II Interested write J. A BARRINGBR ft SONa Whelen Springs. Clark County. Ark.

1380 Iowa Farms best 1 have choice for aale In Webs'er county, the best part of state; deep black, rich soil. Write for and descriptions. P. T. FLYNN, Cashier Bank Duncombe, la, 8884 Black land eighty for sale 80 all block level land, well drained seven room houae, brick cellar and smok house, barns, granary, Implement shed fenced and cross fenced, all good corn and clover land, good family orchard plenty shade.

Three miles from two good markets In Christian county, Illinois. No better farm In the state than this one price $165. Inquire I D. P. Belden Realty Co.

Home Telephone Decatur. X1L 804 C1TT FBOPEETY FOB SALE-A. BIX ROOM MODI "loose; paved street; block from cheap If taken Jn next slxt days. Addrew K-G20, care Review. FOR SALS) OR RENT--HOUSE.

1645 Edward; hot water heat, cletern, clt and gas, very warm'for winter an very convenient. O. W. Hathaway, Agent 820 W. EWorado.

161 FOR SALB-VWB HAVE TWO 5 ROOM houces on full lota that we can sell on Jh payment plan, and you can pay llttl Sown as you like. sMd balance at $1 par month: Theie an genuine bargains an wUl not long Alto a store building full lot at a bargain and on to suit. Canill Realty Co. 128 Bast Main. 1621 CITY PROPERTY OR SALE--A NSW 8 ROOM MODERN house; Hot water ieat and hardwood tin- in; end; a Bargain.

Alex. Eckels 410 Mllllkln UTf Snyder Co. UO Merchant St. M9 For Sale If sraat to bay dtv property, large home, sash, or payments. B.

will you to i J. M. Pickle Go. 117 Water. 8781 VACANT LOT8 1444 on Deferred FOR SALE--OAKDALB LOTS.

CLOSE TO street car and aokool. unusual value. lURFBS. 185 B. Prairie.

SUBURBAN Suburban Home For Sale or Trade--Small suburban tract lose to car line and city school. Bouse nd barn, fenced hog tight. Might consider scant lot as part payment. mt lot as part payment. L.

A. Hill Realty Co. uto phone 1076. 189 Merchant St. UOHT HOPvBKOBPIlia FOR RENT--S ROOMS FULLY FtTRNISHBD, for light houseketptag; modern, reaatfa-; ablo.

Auto 8898. 1128 W. Wood. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS light ho 1586 FOR HBNT--FURNISHED ROOMS FOR tight housekeeping to without children; modern. Call 1200 W.

Macon. 1584 FOR RENT--8 ROOM COTTAGE FURNISH- 5 for light ho UStPN. Clayton. A 1650 FOR RENT--ROOM JWOgT "HOTJBB- keeplaif or sleeping; partly modern. CaU FOR RENT--1 SUITB OF FRONT BOOMS furnished -for light housekeeping; ateam heat.

Qrlndol 361 E. Main. 1S80 FOB HENX--OFFICE BOOMS FOR RENT--TWO FRONT OFFICE BOOMS on 2nd floor 155 E. Mala. B.

H. Csssell. Cesaell Bill. Phdne 4688. 1506 FOR RENT--1 SUITE OF OFFICES IN Chenoweth 8 rooms, city neat, and electric lights; S19 per month.

Apply A. W. Freeman, 258 Main. 14M FOR RUNT--TV FRONT OFFICE ROOMS la The Review Inquire at H. D.

Johnaon. counting room. Review. H9 FUR RliNT--OH'ICtt ROOM; floor, over Martin-Pharos Shoe Co. 8861 FOB BENT FOR RENT--THE PHBONtX CLUB BOOM to social or private parties of ladles and gentHmen; evening entertainments of bowl- Ing, and pool; accommodations for 30 people.

lor 530 Water. 1569 FOR RENT--STORE BUILDING, 1031 N. Water. Inquire' at McGee'i Livery Barn, Inq cor. Cerro Gordo id Water.

1401 FOB FOR RENT--160 ACRES OF GOOD, WELL Improved land Lock Box 40D, 'Assumption, III 1421 TO EXCHANGE YOU HAVE YOU WISH TO exchange. will pay you to write for our sale or exchange list The Realty Exchange Co. Newton. Kan. 1866 FOE BENT--HOUSES FOR RENT-- A NEW 7 ROOM PARTLY modern house with or without a roomer.

053 W. Cerro Gordo See Carl Smith, care C. Shaw. 109 B. North.

1469 FOR RENT--MODERN house at 1267 W. Macon Old phone 1028 SBVEN ROOM Call 883 W. Main VEHICLES FOR SALE--SOMB- BUOOIBS, HARNESS and noises. 0. W.

Lindsey, Livery 1638 TBAJTSFEB. B. -B S' 5 BAOOAW ANDVTRAMSFBR QUICK DSjSVKBY RBAfKHiABLE RATMB I at WAIT OLD PHONB 84SS: AUTO um tt BICYCLES--AUTOMOBILES in an Auto For Sale--Jackson Roadster. ,1908 model; in tint elan condition; price W. A.

Finch. Auto 13T4-4M2. 1MO- TYPEWBITEES FOR SALE--CHEAP; MO. 5 OLIVER TTPBwrUer: good shape. 1765 N.

Church. 1638 MONEY TO LOAN BOAOY MONET. "110 DP QUlCKLTi Lowest rates, Mo red tope. Fidelity Loan Co. fed floor (new) Batk Bldg.

Old phone Ante 5888. Room 813. 1878 WB LOAN 110 and op on the monthly payment plan. Call, or phone. Auto phone 1118.

Decatur Loan Ofnce PHOTOGRAPHERS. FILMS DEVSfcOPBD Fr.EK. develSy films fne of charge. made from films at retnlar OTJZTBfD POSTAL 819 N. Water.


The "Glad-F-Kum" QUICK FINISH PO'T CARD BTORB AND NBWS STAND Cor. IB. Water, qpp. Mllllkln Bank. Deeatnr, Hi.

Tour photo made and finished In 10 Amateur work finished. MM LEGAL NOTICE. TO'All. WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. You will take notice that the undersigned Intends making application at the i meeting of the City Council on Nov.

D. 1910. for a license to retail intoxl Honors In a house or store building si on Lot NO. 1 In Block NO. 1 In Walt at addition to Decatur, known No.

701 North Broadway, aald lot being owned by Thomas Datea at Decatur, tbto 8th day of November. A. D. 1910. Room SM.

Bank Bldie 8688 MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM LAND, CITY nroperty, household Umu. J. Walden, B. Main. 1048 Money I Money! Money! OUSEHOLD GOODS.

LIVE Lowest and We loan oa HOUSEHOLD 8TOCK.OHAIN. BTC. Lo time to milt Better see tu. Geo. W.

Ehrhart 900-210 Cltlsens National Bank Bldg. 8894 Money Loaned ON FURNIT TLE. DIAMONDS. URE NDS. PIANOS.

BORSEa CAT- IAL, FOR SALE--A ONE HORSE DELIVERY wagon, cheap. Chronlster Bros. 817 N. Broadway. 1629 Tr E.

Bennett 428 Bldg. Auto phone 5779. LIVE STOCK FOR SAI.SJ--5 YEAR OLD COW; SHORT- horn id Jersey, fresh soon, also some thrifty 11 weeks plgfl. Old phone 1210 W. Decat.r.

IMS 'OH RENT--HOUSE; 4 ROOM, 855 N. Ilii- Inols street. Apply 433 Eldorado. 1809 FOR RENT--0 ROOM HOUSE, EL.DO- rado, 7 room Kouse, W. Wood $15.

K. Durfee, 135 Prairie. 1600 EOR RENT--NEW 6 ROOM ALL, MODERN gas range, concrete basem*nt. 704 W. Old phone 2277.

1600 FOR RENT-- SEVEN ROOM HOUSE AT 1386 W. I mllYplBttJ' SIC W. William. Place, rent $14. 1S92 frOR RENT--SIX ROOM HOUSE IN EAST end.

Inquire 947 Water. Old phme 1456. 1593 FOR RENT--AT 9 AND PER MONTH, 2 ccttagee, 4 and 5 rooms, 12 blocks West Forest. Call Monday at 26(1 Main. 1567 FOR RENT--VERT DESIRABLE ROOM modern house; 1SOO blk Church, gas stove and shades N.

Main. 1568 FOR RENT--6 ROOM COTTAGE WITH basem*nt; 2052 E. Main, $10 per month. C. Snyder, 2031 B.

William. 1S63 FOR RENT--3 ROOM HOUSE. 10M WEST Forest Ave. Apply B47 Front. 1551 FOR RENT--NEW SIX ROOM HOUSE; close' to school, street car and church; 9753 William For particulars call 1805 B.

Frairte. 1540 FOR RENT--SEVEN ROOM STRICTLY modern house. 1144 B. Prairie. Rent (20.

Old phone 916 A. W. Hendricks. 1500 FOR RENT--FOft THE WINTER, FUR- nlshed six-room house, partly modern. Close In; west side.

Addr.ia K-491. care Review. FOR RENT--HALF HOUSE, FOUR ROOMS, near Mueller's, city water, furnished. 518 N. Monroe.

Inquire 547 N. Monroe. 1174 TOR RENT--HOUSE OF 6 ROOMS, GAS, water, excellent neighborhood. Dr. Randall.

Cuffern Bldg. 1418 FOR BALE--ONE GOOD HORSE, CHEAP. Inquire JHIgman's grocery, corner Hcrkl mer and Clayton 1C16 FOR SALE--SPLENDID JERSEY COW; good rrllker; perfectly gentle, $45 for Immediate sale 1436 Eldorado. 1580 FOR SALE--HORSE, SURREY AND HAR- ness, cheap. Call.

Old phone 1481. 1564 KOH SAUu--cHbAi-. TWO LAKUb JACKS and a road stallion; fully guaranteed. Description and particulars un application. 8.

T. Klllem. fhelbyvllle. 111. 8684 HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--KITCHEN CABINET, CUP- board, 2 bedroom suits, rocking chairs, leather go-cart, 1390 N.

Morgan. 164S FOR SALE--SIGHTLY USED FURNITURE and gOJd second hand stoves, at a S. E. Minick 14S N. Franklin.

1588 SALE--LARGE BASE BURNER, for cash; also email Cannon stove. FOR Oldphone 757 53C N. Church, FOR SALE--MAJESTIC HAS only been used 8 months; Is In first class condition, good reasons for Belling. 1667 N. College.

ETC. STRI BEST OF TERMS. ICTLY CONFIDENT- 808 Money to Loan Any dm- -f on real estate no eommlislon charted. given to any amount any time. Burtticbi Bros.

Schoenle 8. Water Bt 5671 Money to Loan On the best plan possible. Pint the lowest cost Second, the payments are arranged to suit the borrower and can be either weekly or monthly. And lait but not least everything- oonf'dentlal When you eome to us (or a loan yon can have the money within an hour or two. Any amount from I1O.OO nn.

You pay only for the actual time vou keep the money. Call and see us when needing a loan. SPECIAL. TAX NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given to persons Interested that the of Local of the City ot Decatur, having let the contract for the improvement of Mercer street from the north line of West William street to the south line of West Klne street, except from a point 2 feet south of fte south rail of the south track to a point 2 feet north of the north rail of the north track of the Wabash Railroad, together with all street and alley Intersections, lying within said portion of said Mercer street and not Included In the roadway thereof, except at the Intersection of West North and West Eldorado streets, by grading, curbing with a combination curb and sutler, and paving of same, etc, having been completed and accepted by salfl Board on the 2Ist day of November, A M10, and said Board of Local Improvements having filed in the County Court of Mjcon County, on the 21st dav of November.

A. 1010 a certificate showing that the said Improvement conforms substantially to the requirements of the original ordinance for construction of the same, i cost thereof, the amount estimated by them to be required to pay the accruing Interest on bonds and vouchers Issued to -anticipate collection of tffie assessment for said Improvement, a hearing will be had on said certificate to the truth of the factd state athereln at the Court House In the Cits, of Deeatur on the 12th day of December A 'D 1910, at 0 o'clock or as soon thereafter as business of the Court will permit. All persons dealrlnB may file objections In said Court before said day and may appear on the Jiearlng and Da Ud he at ISSu- I this Slst day of November A BQBC A. B. ALEXANDER, City Engineer.

JAS. LEMTNGS. Street Supt Board of Local Improvements of the City of Decatur, III W. N. BOGGE8S, ty Attorney.

Illinois Mortgage Loan Co. I ooms I and 8 klln Building. FOR SALB--HEATING STCVBE AS GOOD as new, prices vange S2.7B to $12. Anything in th. furniture line.

841 N. Water. 1486 FOR LB-- FWWlTURR stoves. I sell good little cheaper than BARGAIN CO. Auto 1521.

cheap and a n. J. C. HINBS T18 BvtBIdorado. 11TO MOST FURNITURE FOft LEAST MONEY.

New and furniture exchanged for 'old See me before yoa buy or sell. M. A.iPeabody B. North St FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--STEAM BOILER, STOVES. machinery.

The following have been replaced By others, and will be FOR RENT-- 8 ROOM HOUSE IN GOOD condition, close reasonable rent, cor. Prairie and Mill. Cell at 508 E. Prairie. 1427 FOR RENT-- 1565 N.

SIX ROOM cottage, gas, gas stove, curtains, paved near car line and school, city water In kitchen. Four room cottage, 573 N. Mercer, city water In yard, paved. We loan Pegram Co. 415 Clt.

Bank Bldp 1410 FOR RENT-- 6 ROOM COTTAGE. LARGE barn, N. Water street $12.50 month. HARRY FISK. 180 Merchant street 8870 For Kent Honeea In different port of city; col- looted fire Insurance written.

B. B. Wirwatz oid 6 88W FOR RENT-- FLATS FOR RENT-- FLATS, MODERN 4 ROOM; 250 W. Wood street Apply. 433 West Eldorado.

1008 FOR RENT-- ROOMS ROOMS 50c AND 75c, ALL NEWLY FUR- nlshed, steam heat In every room, cafe In connection The best ICo hot lunch In the Uty Ang-le Hotel. 1U2 FOR RENT-- FURNISHED ROOM, GROUND fluor, outside entrance, modern house. Old phone, 1101; Auto 1536. 1645 steam hollar. 2 heavy cast Iron beating stoves.

H. gasoline engine, 8 air 1 pneumatic riveter, one 84 Inch See these at Leader Iron 2200 Jasper. 1282 POULTRY-- 3IRDS-- PETS FOR SALE-- BUFF ORPINGTON co*ckER- els, to if taken at once Mrs E. E. Waddell, Nlantlc.

111. 1U41 FOR SALE-- ROSE AND SINGLE COMB Rhode Island Red co*ckerels. 4 to 8 Ibs, The kind that are red to the auln. Red eye. Call Robert F.

McWberter, 1296 Dickinson Ave Rlveislde, Decatur, 111. 1613 FOR SALE-- BIX PULLETS AND co*ckER- el, Black Mlnorchaa, Northup strain. Call Old phone 959 N. College. 1002 FOR SALE-1203 N.

College. 1620 FOR SALE-- 0 THOROUGHBRED PART- rldge Cochin hens, with rooster Freeman and Huston Chick Company, UHO N. MaliL 1907 FOR SALE-- SILVER LACE WYAN- dotte co*ckerels. W. S.

Rlchey, FOR SALE-- CHICKENS, FRYS AND BAK- a' few nice pullets. CaU Auto phone 5375. 800 blk. Harrison Ave, 1522 SEWING MACHINES. YOU CAN BORROW ANY AMOUNT None toe large.

None too small. land money on Furniture Horseaj in Storage. Cattle, Grain, Grow lag Crops, etc. Easier than^yB.BUY NOTBa BON. 110 H.

Water St halt to Mllllkln National Bank. We Loan Money fourth floor Citizens Bank Bids Desirable for rent. Pegram Go. PROFESSIONAL Dr. D.

W. McKenna Dentist Room 1. Stlna Bldg. Auto B80L Decatur, lit At every Wednesday. vast REPAIRING.

CHRISTMAS IS CQMINa, BUT FOR. get Grey, the Jeweler, when you Want that watch clock repaired. 020 East Eldorado street. MISCELLANEOUS Newsboys, Look! A fine chicken dlrfttei served to you on Thanksgiving day, the whole for 20c. The Angle Hotel.

1631 A New Chinese Laundry A new Chinese hand laundry located at 214 W. Mln St guarantees good work and prices are moderate EVERYTHING IS ENTIRELY DONE BY HAND. Clethes washed and Ironed by hand are cleaner and better and last twice than that by machinery. Try It and you will find out Thanksgiving Dinner Everybody Invited to our Thanksgiving dinner and supper. Nov.

24, In Odd Fellows' hell. Forsyth. 111. Given by Ladles' Aid Society of Methodist church. 1548 FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOMS, ALL modern conveniences, with urlvate family.

508 E. Eldorado. Bell phoner'1616. 1010 FARM LANDS TM HARD UP FOR CASH AND WILL mill a quarter or bait section of land cheap In order to et wiah. Am a farmer, so save commission; good soli and bandy to market BQX 7 Daw, North Dakota.

1842 FOR 5tf MILES OF DEeatnr: good new ot 6 new barn 18x22; 1C In cultivation; bat. pal- tire; priced right for; quick sale. Luk- Ina, room S. Sllne Bldg 1U28 FOR SALB--4O. 00 AND 80 ACRE FARMS In Fauldlag Ohio; fine Improvements; will rent for $12 cash rer acre, price low, easy terma 3.

X. PATTERSON. 418 Bldg. 17 FOR BALE--W ACRES 4 MILES OUT ON vel road, at a bargcln. well li.

d. adjoining city Darling 167 tt Mala. 1818 FOR '8AUB- 40 ACRB3 FROM Decatur; fine snap; 1186 L. C. Waltens tts X.

1081 Buy a Home in Florida In the Land of Flowers Come and go where yo i can make a living by working a tow of each year and hi the ojrner of a farm torth acre. Can buy the land now at $90 per acre on paymenta 24 miles south of Jacksonville. F. Bruce Son OK Bbeoe M85, B. Prairie.

1684 FOR SALE--4 ROOM COTTAGE; PAVED $1.250. 8 room brick house, new, $2,000, on Ume. L. C. Waltens 183 B.

Prairie. 1590 FOJVBALB OR TRADE--HOUSES, LOTS, suburban tracts, farms, merchandise. T. L. Evans.

710 Mllllkln Bldg. 1588 FOR SALB--8 AND 5ROOM HOUSES RBA- cor. Wood and Oakland. 6 room, 2015 N. Church.

4 room, 858 N. Edward, 16.50. A room, new, St Louis 4 room. B. Clay at.

12 room, Wood, cheap. 8 room, Howard 1900. Brown Parker, 146 E. Main. 1588 Here Are Some Bargains FOR ROOM MODERN HOUSE IN wen part 8 room modern house, Main St.

7 room house. B. Herklmer St. fi room house, B. Wood St.

820 acres highly Improved grain farm; Qrundy county. Mo. Also 230 acre farm adjoining can be bought at a bargain. Frank Godwin 116 Merchant St 1S8S FOR ROOMS MODERN; BEST location: east front: large porch; big barn. Worth take W.8BB; part cart.

S45 N. Church. Automatic 1088. 1542 FOR SALB--SIX-ROOM HOUSE, NEWLY painted and la good condition; cellar, well, cistern, grapes, chicken house, barn; second door from line, could come, home for dinner from six factories. Owner, ZOOS N.

Zjowbsr street. FOR SJOJB OB RBNT--A ROOM COT- tage on paved utreet and a 4 room cottage on street ear J. L. Drake BO N. Main-81, MW FOR BALE-STRICTLY MODERN room bui It taken FOR RENT--FURNISHED BOOM FOR sleeping, with heat 251 Cerro Gordo.

1598 FOR RENT--NICELY FURNISHED MOD- ern rooms for gentlemen at 320 W. Main Si. 1607 FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOMS; ALL modern: city heat, centrally located. 405 W. Eldorado.

1578 FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOMv NEW, modern, with electric lights, city steam heat, phone rvtce, close In, for one or two or man Md 5734 wife. Call Automatic phone FOR RENT--NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS Clt, heat. nt id io FOR RENT--NICBLT FURNISHED FRONT room: electric light,, not and cold water, furnace heati $1.80 per week. S25 Macon. Automatic phone 5838.

1441 FOR' RENT--TWO FURNISHED ROOMS: singly or modem conveniences. CaU TO8 W. William. 14S8 FOR RENT--A NICELY FURNISHED front room Wlttt board: oreferred: all borne comforts. Z4T Center.

1243 FOR -RBNT--TfURNISHBD Ished room In modern bouse. 026 Old Bbone 2578 ten he St. James Rote), of the Transfer LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING, FOR RENT-- TWO FURNISHED ROOMS light honse'keeplng, partly modern. 962 Old phone 2311. 16BO FOR FOR RENT--FOUR ROOMS FOR LIGHT Hght bousakeeplng; also Lakeside organ for Water? sell cheap.

W. Tackard. Ing machines, have Bwlng fix It Auto phone 1483. N. Water.


STOKACJJS, PACKING OF FUR- MTURE. CARPETS CLEANED COMPRESSED A1K, MBRBD1TH Both phones. MUSICAL GOODS Wo HiBg, Prop. 214 W. Main St 1046 Powers' Theater Wednesday, Nov, 23 If laughs were dolliirsl'dmake John D.

Rockefeller look like a rticia (VBrien. Henry B. Harrta Rose Stahl NOTICE--IF YOU HAVE A LOT AND want to get a house, tee J. Vest, Old phone 3863. 1487 CLASSES IN CHINA DECORATING: CONj entlonal designs a specialty, firing and supplies.

220 Main. Old phone 2908. 1810 WB COLLECT BOARD labor mum. jitters', and wholesalers' accounts, notes, ludgments and of lone standing. All classes of claims col- Noadvance fees for onr COLLECTIONS bills, wages, olalma bar fob SON.

110 North CHORUS LADY" A Comedy by James Forbes, Author of "The Commuters" and "The Traveling Salesman." Seat Sale "Opens Monday. Nov 21. Mail orders, accompanied by check or money order will receiva prompt attention. Prices: $1.50, $1.00, 75c, BOOK BINDING PRACTICAL BOOK binding and blank book manufacturing. 196 South water street tor.

ItU Herman Spies. bound, nan In gold on books, pocket hooks randum books, toilet cases, etc. bound, names namned and metno- Central FOR BALE-ALMOST NBW KIMBALL piano; In perfect condition, a bargain If taken once Over 571 Water. 1450 LOST--FOUND LOST--SUNDAY NEAR CORNER HBRKI- mer and N. Railroad a small black purse containing locket, trunk key and small change.

Return to 511 B. North, Reward. 1027 LOST--BUNCH OF KEYS-AND INSBRSOIiL waeoh; gold filled chain. Reward If returned to W. H.

Buffi ,1085 BOST--BETWEEN 860 1. WOOD 800 North, an end' from a DTOWA. Martin fur collar. Return to 360 B. Woed.

1681 Main Booad. UO pally Cbl, via 124 Dally Omaha and 3t Paul Ex. 102 Dally Clinton Main Line-South Bound. Way Freight 101 Dally Man 131 Dally Southern express Dally Pane Acoom Feoeia tUiisioa-- To Peoria, Dallj 224 Dally Freight One Merry Musical Matinee and Night. A SPECIAL THANKSGIVING ATTBACXION Powers' Theater Xran 201 Dafiy 2W 291 tocal Frelgb'- AO Mattooa.

Dally Malt Dally i LOST--tAIR OF NOBBGfcASSBB ON WM- liam St, between M. Main and Morgan Return to M. H. HurdJ Dnlon Iron 1004 1040a.m. di40p.m.

LOST--MAN'S BROWN POCKET book containing (11.25 paper money, on N. Water or Bradford, Rotum to tit B. Bradford and receive reward. ISM LOST--LITTLE FOX TERRIER: 8 MONTHS old! brown eye and right hind limb, bobtail to 819 M. STOLEN--WHITE SUIT, DOS.

WITH brown spota rJmths old: reward, ted Hand Stora, Eldorado. Auto MattoW Daily Peoria AceoBUnodsUon. Freight ,.....,.,12 5up.m. To Chicago. 120 DaUjr via" Clinton Ot Dall except OMmpalca.

70- Dally 101 Dally Inttrarbae tH Leal Vrslght, THE BSD AT, NOV. Wm, P. Culls. Sumptuous Presentation of tne All Laughter Musical Comedy ALASKAN Helmed, Fresh from Five Months Chicago Triumph with 1 RICHARD F. CARROLL no others, mostly girls, Comedlens, Dancers, Singers.

and the' pre-tiest sauciest, daintiest of "Glrly Girls" ever "Organised. A positive BALLING-Audience Eskimo Olrls, 20--SONG HITS--SO Mat 25 te Night 25 to 81.50. oa sate Tuesday. NOTE The audience Ic requested to be seated at the rise ot, thn curtain the action starts immediately. at 10.45 p.

m. Washington, Nov. to he removal of the prohibition against he Importation of American potatoes Into France by of October It last United Stated AmbanaAar Bacon has transmitted a leaned by the American chamber of commerce in Paris explaining: the circ*mstances which led to the admission of the product The presidential decree of 1S7B declares the statement was a measure of protection because of the potato dls- which IB said to have prevailed In the United States. The production of potatoes In France generally is sufficient, for Its own consumption and in the thirty-five years that the decree remained In force nothing; arose to awaken an Interest its removal. The potato-" crop in France Is very much below Its average the present year and as a consequence, the price has rapidly increased.

Exporters In the United States are ready supply the demand through the In- tlon of the American chamber of comerce to obtftl nthe repeal of prohibition, tt was explained that the reasons for the decree of 1875 has ong passed away. 81 technical com- mislon which studied the condition of American potatoes reported no danger from disease and the way thug been opened to American exporters. Powers Theater FRIDAY, NOT. Direct from second year at the Astor Theater, New Tork with entire Broadway oast and production. Wagenhals 4k Kemper Co.

presents i 7 Days (JBBATBST COMEDY HIT IN 10 YEAB8 By "vary Roberts Rlnehart (and Avery Hopwood. Beatn ready Wednesday. 25 to CORN TALES FROM CHRISTIAN COUNTY Taylorvllle. Nov. Ed HealuUcn, who rents Fay Bond's land- eaat of the city, comes forward with the banner corn shucking He declares that Glenn Brewer, a young man who works for him, shucked 1E4 bushels Friday on his land, the corn being weighed out He says Brewer Is only 19 years of age.

The day's work made the boy besides his board. 103 BUSHELS TO ACRE. Myton Potts, who has a farm, three miles northwest of Taylorvllle, that he has just finished shucking an 11-acre piece of ground on his place which produced 1138 bushels and 40 pounds, or over 10 bushels tq the acre. The corn was on ground that was never ploughed up until a year ago, when It was In corn. There will doubtless be some big yields of corn reported this fall, but this will probably beat them all.

BACK FROM BIG CONVENTION L. Q. Ony at Meeting; ef Ix G. Gray of Walrus Manufacturing company returned Sunday from Dallas, Tex, where he attended the annual convention of the National Wholesale Druggists' association, of which association the Walrus Manufao. turlng company Is an associate Many prominent wholesale of the central eastern assembled -In Stv Loute-and went from to Dallas via the Frisco line on a cial train.

The wholesale and manufacturing drug Interests' of St. Louis tendered their guests averj, hospitality, including an elaborate banquet 7 at the Jefferson hotel. The next convention of the association will be held in New York city next October. Long Creek EntertatomeBt. Program tor Lone Creek school entertainment to be held at the town hall In Lone Creek, Wedmaday nlfht, Nov.

80. Admission 10 cents to those not brinclnc boxes, follows. Song If We Were You and You Were Us," school. Welcome Frue ran. HecltatloD-- Veech.

Duet "Hard Times In Boyland," Howard Wlnlnee, Gerald MteCane. Dialog-- "What Hie Uncle Said," Sylvia Codhran. Veech. vocal colo-- Beverly Knowles. Beading-- "Thanksgiving- Prayer," Glelia Smith.

Old (aahloned drill-- Floy Veeoh, Leona Ted Cochraa, Fern Sheets, Henchet lart, Helen R'ter, McCane, Hacel Descriptive JourHey-- Howard Wlnlngs. Upside Down drill-- Bight (Iris. Instrumental Ivab Violin solo-- Pert Kello. "Jack o' Luvtera Eleven "The Train to Mauro." Ticket agent. Horace Buttermilk, Norah Johnny Buttermilk, Gerald McCane.

Vocal sole-- P. H. DunhAm. Reading-- Beverly Knowles. Instrumental bnrah UesSle.

Play-- "That Raecal, Sam." Brastus Jink- ens, Howard Wlnlngs; BUza daughter), Basel Hoot; Sam (hie boy), Gerald MeOaae; Luclon otan), Ted Cochraa. Why He Anewted. Chicago Dally News: Farmer Bodler "Do you know Why that dude farmer from the city was arrestjd?" Farmer Hazeceeds "No, I ain't hMMl nothin' about It." Farmer Bodler-- "Wall, tt war fer cruelty to animals; he went shet his keow up In the. Icehouse, the critter would give him lee cream." OB the Chicago Daily pews: Eva-- a lot of knives and forks from a wrecked ship were found on this sandy beach." Jack-- "Well, notice a great many 'spoons' around here Oomcted STATION OOm. WOODJk LWSPAPLR.

The Daily Review from Decatur, Illinois (2024)


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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.