Bryan-College Station Eagle from Bryan, Texas (2024)

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Bryan-College Station Eaglei

Bryan, Texas

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Page 4 Bryan College Station Texas President Adds Wednesday August 23 1972 Personal Touch AP News Analysis Jets leet Campaign Issues rou tti locutc rlffoolwortlv Protestors Hurl Tear Gas More Than 900 Arrested 29" A A Action Self Storage UP TO ON PRESCRIPTIONS RESERVE YOURS NOW 33" IT 8 3t as a 2206 infeather Road Ph: 8226618 4 i 9 Mrs Curtis Lindsey Res Mgr THE UN PLACE TO SHOP OR THE ENTIRE AMILY A SATISACTION GUARANTEEO REPLACEMENT OR MONEY REUNDED Wo! tb were not trying to in UfPf I NOME REG 3899 any comment on the rules fight would be misinterpreted as iwuff ROME small places where never 4 I Some demonstrators were hit with clubs and two motorcycle officers were shoved from their machines as the law enforce ment officers and protesters clashed amidst the noise of squawking police radios and flying rocks and bottles Not a chain Home owned and operated Personal and helnful service 24 hour emergency service All this and the lowest prices too 9 12 REG 3599 builders came 100 state troopers Then 100 more As their ranks swelled elderly citizens cheered from hotel balconies designed to give him the advantage of the offense even as he defended and adver tised his performance and proposals Two speeches of course make a campaign But the evidence points to more of what Nixon and Agnew offered the convention The Republicans have a lead to American embassy from Tel Aviv to he said Goldberg said the Nixon cam paign would deal with a number of issues and not just the record of support for Israel such as his decision to sell Phantom jets to the Israelis Jewish community is not a one issue Goldberg said LOS ANGELES (AP) Phantom jets the 6th leet and moving the American embassy in Israel have become issues in the 1972 presidential campaign in California They are symbols of a battle for Jewish campaign money and Jewish votes President Nixon already has won important blocks of Jewish campaign money in California tip the 45 electoral votes in a close election Brin estimates Jews would split 50 50 now between Nixon President and Mrs Nixon stood on a specially built ramp wheeled in front of the con vention rostrum while Agnew and his wife Judy greeted well wishers from the presidential box across the hall blessing in the handshaking session least keep the traffic down Everyone be leaving at Heavy Duty No Rip Tip Extends 28" to 48" MIAMI BEACH la (AP) 1 Demonstrators resorted to ran dom street violence that spawned ranks of charging po lice and more than 900 arrests after being outwitted in their attempt to disrupt the finale of the Republican National Con vention As President Nixon spoke in side the packed Convention Hall Wednesday night Secret Service agents hovered at the gates outside cradling axe handles 2 Just blocks away riotready state troopers contained roving bands of protesters When the gavel finally fell at 11:17 pm and the delegates spilled from the littered hall out into the humid night many wept from the lingering aftermath of I tear gas Rubbing red eyes the hundreds whose ears were still ringing from the ovations for Nixon beheld streets swept empty of all but an 800 yard cordon of police The officers stood quietly 10 feet apart wary of interlopers Protesters had tried to block the delegates from entering the such as tax reform is a natural Brin said was But Brin argues that record on Israel is much better than many Jews believe policies of George and let it go at that He cast himself as and he spoke of unity: this administration there is only one It was the speech of a new Agnew a man who refrained from so much as a mention of the vandalizing protesters who roamed Miami Beach as the convention met In another day they would have stirred scornful Agnew oratory And in another campaign McGovern would have been one of Traditionally and particularly in the Nixon Agnew game plan of the congressional campaign two years ago the vice president has done the heavy partisan hitting while the President adopts a loftier political posture But in the 1972 Republican strategy both candidates may be cast in the latter role acceptance speech slaps at the proposals of McGovern whom he never mentioned bv name and seemed High med low speeds Cools filters the air its in window on floor or table COOLER traditionally has gone Democratic The national direc tor of the drive is Lawrence Goldberg a Rhode Island law yer who says the effort will in As the President and the vice president formally opened their campaign before the Republican National Convention Wednesday night they had an ample dose of criticiam for McGovern but it like the old days And it was Nixon who sounded the of fensive against the Democrat from South Dakota The toughest line of the night was his: us reject the policies of those who whino and whimnpr about OU frustrations and call on us to turn in ward That bit of alliteration could have come from a vintage Agnew speech or his part Agnew challenged piecemeal inconsistent and illusory hall five hours earlier The plan called for peaceful sit ins at the gates and milling crowds in the surrounding streets But when the demonstrators arrived they found their path cluttered by bumper to bumper buses The buses some so old they had to be towed into place hugged the gates and created a dilapidated corridor for other vehicles carrying delegates into Close behind the barricade the Convention Hall compound were defeated tactically before we even said Marsha Monestersky a member of the Students for a Democratic Society Small bands of protesters fanned out into the streets to ward the hotels where most delegates waited to go to the hall Striking quickly the protest ers grabbed trash baskets park The wait for Agnew mean while was only about five min utes at any one time Presiden tial aides began suggesting po litely to those who had met Nixon that they might want to greet the vice president as well No one could immediately recall i when if ever the President had spent so long and had seen so many in a single reception Ijne But it a record in any event for Pat Nixon She once shook 1675 hands in a four hour White House reception for the DAR At one point Mrs Nixon I turned to her husband and asked: you see how many I kisses I Then a woman not only gave her another kiss but threw in a bear hug as well And while GOP Chairman Robert Dole enthused that erything worked out just even the Secret Service saw a 2706 Texas Avenue Bryan Texas Telephonej23 002 MIAMI BEACH la (AP) President Nixon added a sur prise personal touch to his con vention capping speech Wednes day night by staying on for more than an hour to bask in the glow of victory and shake hands with hundreds of jubilant delegates as a presidential contender in 1976 for die replied done a marvelous Job as vice Mrs Nixon said I know do the same as But biggest gain from i now pig is a ma fkn mtla mauer oi mspuic urc i giving bonus 1976 delegates to the generally smaller more conservative states that go for Nixon this year The delegates and guests their approval when Chairman Gerald ord an nounced at the formal close of this 30th quadrennial gathering of the party that President would like to meet as many of you as he But no one dreamed he would stay so longmuch to the anxiety of scores of security agents and the near exhaustion of Ray Bloch and his band Gishyoa can cEat $J25 Despite sporadic violence 'nearby both the President and his wife and Vice President and Mrs Spiro Agnew lingered past midnight in the hall itself an island of festivity Nixon gripped so many eager palms that his physician Dr Walter Tkach moaned that he dreads the prospect of exam ining the presidential right hand today Perhaps 200 persons were still waiting in line when the President eventually headed for his helicopter One woman fainted in the final crush to reach him DISCOUNT APOTHECARY The Small lore With The Big Discounts on Israel concern over his tax and welfare programs and de fense cuts which would include a reduction in Navy forces in the Mediterranean There is a fear that cutting all for moving the back the number of aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean would undermine US com mitments to Israel rich Jews are sup MIAMI BEACH la (AP) Vice President Spiro Agnew leaves the Republican con vention with a key delegaterule victory and a plug from Pat Nixon for the 1976 GOP preserve not an obstacle to overcome presidential nomination And he That position weighs against a strategy that would produce a running long dis tance debate with McGovern Of course if the poll ratings change sharply Republican tactics are likely to change too But with McGovern the underdog said Sen Robert Dole the Republican national chairman the President should not carry the political attack during the campaign ahead might be some reaction against us as the big and he said urthermore a major theme of the Republican convention a political exercise designed by and for Nixon was the recruitment of disenchanted Democrats That end would not be served by a hard line campaign And so at that most partisan of American gatherings a national political convention Nixon talked past the delegates to the television audience as a partisan of party which would automatically divide us but as a partisan of principles which can unite DELUXE CURTAIN ROD ully Lined Extra Wide 54 87 Valance 27 10 VOTE RW (BOB) WIMBISH EXPANDING SOON! WELCOME BACK AGGIES STATEMENT CANDIDATE: Mv formal education military service and experience small businessman qualifies me to serve our community both effectively and with good judgment I will use these qualifications to make certain that taxes and expenditures are neither excessive nqr unfairly apportioned It will be my practice to conduct the office of City Commissioner with dignity and courtesy toward all the Citizens of Bryan SPECIAL ELECTION AUGUST 29 1972 Pd pot ad by riends of Bob Wimbish I ROOM SIZE RUG The perfect full room size rug for your living room foyer bedroom or den 100 percent polyester pile in solid colors cushioned with high density rubber backing and McGovern but that porting Nixon for the same rea McGovern can boost his margin sons many non Jews are sup to 65 per cent by election day as porting Brin said his views become better known largely over economic issues Campaign talk so far has volve advertising speakers centered on record mailings and other campaign techniques directed at the Jew ish community This year Nixon strategists are shooting for the votes of 20 to 30 per cent of es including support from Louis timated 700000 Jews That could Boyar retired Los Angeles con tractor and Eugene Klein board chairman of National General Corp Both have been major Demo cratic fund raisers That alone is a major setback for Democratic candidate George McGovern It seals off sources of funds that always have gone to Democrats a terrible says Herb Brin editor of the Jewish Heritage newspaper in Los An geles and a McGovern cannot make it Now the Nixon organization is conducting a campaign to winl4 more of the Jewish vote which benches and newspaper vending machines to fashion makeshift intersection barricades As traffic ground to a halt the young protesters dashed in to' slash tires fling open hoods and yank distributors When a few residents tried to kick over the barricades the demonstrators set several gar bage cans afire No one knows even approxi mately how many extra delegate votes this would give Agnew Some delegates say it is too early to predict what the rile will mean pointing out that if Democratic presidential con tender George McGovern loses the normallyDemocratic Northeastern populous states to Nixon this year for example Agnewwould get no special ad vantage because both big and small states would be getting the 1976 bonus delegates Agnew stayed largely seclud ed during the week making only four public appearances and got one Two delegates one from indicated at one of them it was Oregon and one from Arkansas because he did not want to make abstained arlier Mrs Nixon was asked how she would feel about Agnew interest in he said has a pledge in his pocket for the first 60 votes in Agnew staying ova today for a post convention news con ference has maintained he is the options but has made no decision on seeking the presidency He got the pledge for the first 60 delegate votes for president during the roll call on his re nomination for vice president in REG 100 OR BRYAN CITY COMMISSIONER ONLY INCLUDES RENCH RIES COLE SLAW HOT ROLL RIDAY ONLY BRITT'S LUNCHEONETTE OPEN 9 AM TO 7 PM unds Report Delayed WASHINGTON (AP) The General Accounting Office has decided to delay its report on alleged Republican misuse of campaign funds after a talk with a top Nixon re election official Americans believe in produced facts The announcement of the de lay came after a GAO auditor met in Miami Beach la with Maurice Stans chief fund raiser However a spokesman for the office Wednesday denied the report was being delayed because of the Republican Na tional Convention Earlier Paul Barrick treas urer of the Committee for the Re election of the President denied reports of any law viola tions and said the finance lead ers of the committee had sought to comply with requirements in the ederal Election Campaign Act of 1971 Meanwhile Rep Wright Pat man Tex chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee accused the GAO of blocking committee investiga tors probing a connection be tween the possible violations and the June 17 Democratic National Committee headquarters break in The Washington Post reported Tuesday that GAO found $25000 which had been deposited in the bank account of a break in suspect came from a $100000 campaign security fund of the Committee for the ReElection of the President have received no adequate answer for the failure to live up to its promises and at this point I can only conclude that it is allowing its investigators to give the Republican party time to put a good face on this sordid Patman said A spokesman for the GAO said its auditors block the vestigators The GAO spokesman said a scheduled conference with Pat investigators was broken i off because the report is not finished It is expected to be ready in a few days the spokesman said casts all of its 40 votes for Spiro an nounced lorida State GOP Chairman Thomas we promise under the new rules to cast at least 60 votes for him for president in Agnew won the renomination with 1348 votes NBC newsmen David Brinkley BREEZE ROX AN Modem slim line portable fan puts cooling comfort where you need it most Reduced right in time for back to college Has safety grille front IIS volts AC only Avocado 1388 state house put them in the White House but we stay in the dog house We want to stay there Muniz said Raza Unida not the GOP is the second majority party in Texas He denied that the chief effect of his candadicy would be to help elect Republican gubernatorial candidate Henry Grover He said Raza Unida will provide an alternative to what he called the look alike conservatism of Grover and Democratic gubernatorial candidate n'aJor Dolph Briscoe Muniz predicted that if the election were held the today he would receive 400000 to 500000 votes Convention HOUSTON (AP) Ramsey Muniz Raza Unida candidate for governor says the Republican National rnnimnfinn iirae RtcY fat joke as far as lexas was concerned kept talking about representation but there was only one Texas Republican delegate who was Mexican American 5 and no black Muniz told newsmen Wednesday Muniz 29 lashed out at what he called toward Mexican Ameri cans by both political are going to make an impact on the state of Tevas then i Democrats and Re 4 publicans be able to from a hidden constituency use us anymore he said put them in the 100 More Units LARGER UNITS MORE SMALLER ONES PLASTIC DRAPES New patterns colors Clean with damp cloth Styles for every room Cnnwmiinn Hiuhliffhbi 'I ivixon signew num is un By WALTER MEARS AP Political Writer MIAMI BEACH la (AP) President Nixon and Vice President Spiro Agnew have sounded the keynote of a highroad campaign The political slugging may come later But a GOP ticket favored by landslide margins in the polls appears likely to concentrate on boasting of its own record and prospects That formula leaves room for slaps at Democratic presidential nominee George McGovern But it puts the emphasis where Nixon clearly wants it on a Re publican position he described as 1 reflecting great principles we Blessing mi ik' A Gw 7 1177 WWI CSS 0 1 THE UN PLACE TO SHOP OR THE ENTIRE AMILY.

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Bryan-College Station Eagle from Bryan, Texas (2024)


Is Bryan College Station a good place to retire? ›

In 2021, College Station, Texas ranked in the top 25 of this list, becoming a strong contender for people all over the country who are looking to retire. College Station is located 85 miles northwest of Houston, and is a drivable distance from Houston, Austin, and Dallas.

What is Bryan College Station known for? ›

Numerous times over, Kiplinger has ranked College Station as one of the nation's best places to raise a family because of its low crime rates, affordable housing and top-ranked school system.

What is it like living in Bryan TX? ›

Bryan is in Brazos County and is one of the best places to live in Texas. Living in Bryan offers residents a dense suburban feel and most residents rent their homes. In Bryan there are a lot of parks. Many families and young professionals live in Bryan and residents tend to have moderate political views.

How many people live in Bryan and College Station? ›

College Station–Bryan is a metropolitan area centering on the twin cities of Bryan and College Station, Texas, in the Brazos Valley region of Texas. The 2010 census placed the population of the three-county metropolitan area at 255,519. The 2019 population estimate was 273,101.

What is the safest town to retire in? ›

If you are looking for a place to call home in retirement, the No. 1 city to look into is Pinehurst, North Carolina. The cost of living is more than reasonable and the crime rates are good enough to crown it as the number one place to feel safe in your retirement.

What is the number one retirement city in the United States? ›

A Ranking of America's Cities, According to Our Retirement Index
1The Villages, FL54%
2Punta Gorda, FL38%
3Barnstable, MA28%
4Sebring, FL34%
40 more rows

What is Bryan College known for? ›

Bryan - Tennessee is a private, Christian (General) college located in Dayton, Tennessee in the Chattanooga Area. It is a small institution with an enrollment of 774 undergraduate students. The Bryan - Tennessee acceptance rate is 100%. Popular majors include Business, Psychology, and Kinesiology and Exercise Science.

What religious affiliation is Bryan College? ›

An identity as a Christian liberal arts college which is evangelical, nondenominational, and regionally accredited.

How much does it cost to go to Bryan College? ›

Bryan College's tuition is $18,050. Compared with the national average cost of tuition of $43,477, Bryan College is cheaper. These figures include both tuition and fees, also referred to as the sticker price.

What is the white population in Bryan Texas? ›

Bryan Demographics

White: 66.15% Black or African American: 17.24%

What is the poverty rate in Bryan Texas? ›

The average household income in Bryan is $73,359 with a poverty rate of 24.61%. The median age in Bryan is 30.8 years: 30.3 years for males, and 31.6 years for females.

Is College Station a fun college town? ›

College Station, TX is a ranked 10 Best College Towns -

Is Bryan College a good school? ›

Bryan College's ranking in the 2024 edition of Best Colleges is Regional Universities South, #63. Its tuition and fees are $18,050. Bryan College is a private institution that was founded in 1930. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 1,376 (fall 2022), and the campus size is 128 acres.

Are Bryan and College Station the same town? ›

Bryan, TX and College Station, TX are two distinct cities in Brazos County and make up the College Station/Bryan metro area. The two city centers of each city are approximately a 9 minute drive, or about 4 miles apart.

How many high schools are in Bryan College Station? ›

Bryan Independent School District contains 5 high schools. For personalized and effective admissions consulting,consider

Where is the best place to live in College Station? ›

Buyers who want the finest properties in College Station can expect only the best investments from these neighborhoods:
  • Lakeside Village.
  • Pebble Creek.
  • River Place.
  • Sandstone.
  • Sweetwater.
  • Sweetwater Forest.
  • The Crossing at Lick Creek.
  • Willow Run of College Station.

Is Bryan College conservative? ›

Bryan College offers a supportive community tailored for homeschool families and students, emphasizing a conservative Christian environment and promoting a biblical worldview through its faculty and staff.

What is Bryan College ranked? ›

Bryan College's ranking in the 2024 edition of Best Colleges is Regional Universities South, #63. Its tuition and fees are $18,050. Bryan College is a private institution that was founded in 1930. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 1,376 (fall 2022), and the campus size is 128 acres.

Is College Station a safe city to live in? ›

The chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime in College Station is 1 in 41. Based on FBI crime data, College Station is not one of the safest communities in America. Relative to Texas, College Station has a crime rate that is higher than 84% of the state's cities and towns of all sizes.


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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.