Red Dead Online gives you the ability to fully customize characters, from their appearance to their abilities, allowing players to create a character that is best suited for their own playstyle.
Abilities in Red Dead Online are assigned to a character through Ability Cards. These are divided into two different types. Dead Eye cards that grant abilities only active during Dead Eye, while Passive cards add abilities that are always active, no matter what you do. Passive abilities are further divided into several different categories.
In Red Dead Online, it’s not possible to assign all of the available abilities to the character, as there are only 4 slots available. One slot is used for a single Dead Eye card, while the remaining three slots are used for Passive abilities.
Note that the Passive Ability Card slots are not available from the beginning of the game, as they are only unlocked upon reaching Ranks 10, 20 and 40. By mixing and matching abilities, you are able to create a character that may excel in a single area or a well-rounded one that can work in any situation.
There are multiple ways to access and customize your Ability loadout. It can be accessed in the Abilities section in the Pause menu or through the Weapon Wheel. Accessing the loadout through the Weapon Wheel means that you can customize your Abilities on the fly at any time during the game without having to go through different menus.
At the beginning of Red Dead Online, you will only have a small number of Ability Cards. You can earn get more cards by ranking up and then purchasing them with cash. Already obtained Ability Cards can also be improved up to the third tier, with each tier increasing the card’s efficiency. Tier upgrades are also unlocked with XP, or they can be purchased with Gold Bars.
Below, you will find a list of all the Red Dead Online Ability Cards and a description of the ability.
Dead Eye Cards
A Moment to Recuperate
The A Moment to Recuperate Ability Card adds the ability to restore health automatically while Dead Eye is active. Receiving damage, however, will cancel the Dead Eye activation. This card is available for free at the beginning of the game.
Focus Fire
The Focus Fire Ability Card increases damage dealt to enemies while Dead Eye is active. If you’re a part of a team, your team members will also enjoy the benefits of the ability without having to have the card equipped. The card can be purchased for $50 or is free if it is the card you select at the beginning of your character’s Red Dead Online journey.
Paint it Black
The Paint it Black Ability Card allows players to paint targets onto the enemies while Dead Eye is active, same as in the single-player campaign. Press the shoot button to shoot at all targets. This card can be purchased for $50 or is free if it is the card you select at the beginning of your character’s Red Dead Online journey.
Quite an Inspiration
The Quite an Inspiration Ability Card offers an improved ability over the A Moment to Recuperate card, as it allows the player and the team he belongs to to regenerate health while Dead Eye is active. The card is unlocked upon reaching Rank 44.
Slow and Steady
The Slow and Steady Ability Card allows players to take less damage while in Dead Eye, and any headshots you receive will not be lethal. The downside is that it’s not possible to sprint and run. This card is unlocked upon reaching Rank 24.
Slippery Bastard
The Slippery Bastard Ability Card radically changes Dead Eye, as it prevents players from getting locked on by enemies. As a downside, the user also cannot lock onto enemies. Enemies’ accuracy is also reduced, and the Dead Eye bar drains much faster than usual. This card is unlocked upon reaching Rank 50.
Passive Ability Cards
Combat Ability Cards
The Horseman Ability Card increases damage dealt to enemies while on horseback. The card is unlocked after reaching Rank 10.
Necessity Breeds
The Necessity Breeds Ability card increases damage dealt when the player’s health decreases. It’s unlocked at Rank 16.
Landon’s Patience
The Landon’s Patience Ability Card increases damage if the player waits 15 seconds between shots. The card is unlocked upon reaching Rank 18.
The Short Game
The Short Game Ability Card increases damage to close enemies and decreases damage to those far. It becomes available after reaching Rank 38.
The Hangman Ability Card allows players to use the Lasso to choke enemies and deal damage each second. It is unlocked after reaching Rank 42.
Winning Streak
The Winning Streak Ability Card increases damage for each consecutive shot at the same target. The card is unlocked after reaching Rank 48.
Recovery Ability Cards
Come Back Stronger
The Come Back Stronger Ability Card speeds up the time needed before you can start regenerating health. It is unlocked upon reaching Level 10.
Peak Condition
The Peak Condition Ability Card increases damage dealt to enemies if the Stamina bar is at least 75% full. The card unlocks at Rank 14.
Eye for an Eye
The Eye for an Eye Ability Card makes headshots restore a small amount of Dead Eye bar. It is unlocked after reaching Rank 28.
The Gift of Focus
The Gift of Focus Ability Card improves the effects of all items and abilities that restore the Dead Eye bar. Dealt damage to enemies, however, is decreased. This card is unlocked after reaching Rank 30.
Strange Medicine
The Strange Medicine Ability Card restore some health every time the player deals damage to enemies. Normal health regeneration, however, is cut in half. It is unlocked at Rank 32.
Cold Blooded
The Cold Blooded Ability Card regenerates health for five seconds after killing an enemy. It is unlocked at Rank 36.
Defense Ability Cards
Hunker Down
The Hunker Down Ability Card decreases damage received while behind cover. It is unlocked at Rank 20.
To Fight Another Day
The To Fight Another Day Ability Card reduces damage received while sprinting. It’s unlocked after reaching Rank 22.
The Unblinking Eye
The Unblinking Eye Ability Card grants additional Dead Eye and Eagle Eye time. This card is unlocked at Rank 26.
Take the Pain Away
The Take the Pain Away Ability Card decreases damage received by the player after reviving another player for 8 seconds. The revived player will also take less damage for 8 seconds. It’s unlocked at Rank 34.
Of Single Purpose
The Of Single Purpose Ability Card decreases damage received while a melee weapon is equipped. This card becomes available upon reaching Rank 40.
Never without One
The Never Without One Ability Card protects players from a single headshot when the hat is equipped. Damage, however, is increased when not equipping one. It’s unlocked at Rank 46.